Monday, August 31, 2009
Meet the Real Prok: Super Sekrit Spai
Seeing the lulz emanating from the epileptic fits of bawww seen on Prok's blog the past few weeks, particularly with her rather rude dragging of RL into things in her libelous attacks upon IntLibber, we felt it meet to /r/ Prok more deeply. Working from what we know about her:
RL Name: Catherine A Fitzpatrick
Skills: Translates Russian (badly, according to natives), bawwwing about human rights while being a shill for the foreign policies of a tyrannical regime with a history of abusing human rights, while at the same time attacking that regime (We mean the Bush Administration, not Linden Lab), tendency to jargon, word salad, newspeak, and seeing leninist conspiracies everywhere. Staunch anticommunist/Ayn Rand fan, but hearty endorser of New Deal politics and neosocialism.
Location: East Side, Manhattan, NYC
Past: Something to do with the United Nations
After much searching, we found in her own self-written Fast Company bio, that Ms Fitzpatricks trail is first found with the International League for Human Rights, which claims to be the oldest human rights organization in the US but was an offshoot of the ACLU by intelligence service related attorneys during the Red Scare era of the 1920's. Her father may have been a power attorney in DC with a history in the State Department and diplomatic (i.e. selling out to foreign powers) lobbying.
Fitzpatrick's time with the ILHR dates from sometime between 1998 and 2002, in which she was the program director for former Soviet States, and her name is on documents about various UN human rights conferences representing her NGO proudly. She seems to have developed a strong mistrust of central asian post-soviet states in this time period as just a bunch of thugs who dont change without a lot of heavy bribery and heavy handedness, and worked closely with the Bush Administration in negotiating more recognition of human rights in these thugocracies. She seems to have contrasted this sort of diplomacy through bribery from the typical sort seen with, say, South Africa, which will bend over for some AIDS aid.
Then in 2003 she went to work for Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty as an "editor" (i.e. Propaganda/Disinfo Agent), evidently being involved in Bush administration propaganda campaigns in Europe against those cheese-eating surrender monkeys, France, and of course not saying much about Spain's cowardly withdrawal from Iraq and Afghanistan over a few bombings that brought the internationalist socialists into office.
For those in the know, Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty are propaganda radio stations operated by the CIA officially since 1969, and unofficially through channels since 1972. Yup, Prok is a CIA propaganda/disinformation agent.
So why would she claim to be uninsured, is that disinfo to serve her new masters in the Obama administration and their quest to force everyone into nationalized health care? Perhaps she was given a "Burn Notice" in years past, like in the TV show when she went off the ranch with inane rantings about leninist conspiracies inside The Company? Did they retire her to Bellevue Hospital on mental disability? Perhaps instead she was reassigned by the CIA to be a FUD Propaganda/Disinfo Agent in SL? This would explain her attacking Linden Lab and demands for government controls in SL. She could simply be seeking to stir up a large enough dramastorm to justify more government in SL?
We don't know exactly. We know her Fast Company bio does indicate she has NOT terminated her employment with this CIA propaganda mouthpiece. So she likely does still work for the government intelligence agency in some capacity, despite her claims to the contrary and claims to be uninsured (yet if she was operating undercover, which of course would be illegal for a CIA asset to operate in the US, she would have to be officially uninsured to be plausible, so even that would fit).
All we can tell is that we now know why Prok is such a big-government New Dealer, anti-communist pro-war-on-eterror whackjob: She's a government plant here in SL, spreading FUD and lies, or else the tired and exhausted husk of a former spai who is now mentally disabled.
It also explains why she hates IntLibber with such a passion: IntLibber, before joining SL, was apparently a well known Libertarian activist, Vice-Chair of the LP of New Hampshire, Free State Project member, and one of the few people in the past decade to peacefully and legally bop Big Brother a big one on the nose a few times (Killington, VT secession; Eminent Domaining Supreme Court Justices Homes, etc etc). Nothing makes Big Brother more angry than being made a fool of by one man or a small group.
She also apparently agrees with the neo-luddite movement organized on the right by CIA shill Francis Fukuyama, and on the left by Bill McKibben and Theresa Heinz-Kerry as well as faux-secessionist/luddite Kirkpatrick Sale. Left anarchists like Sale have been trying to take over the right-leaning Free State Project in New Hampshire for several years, to make it part of his Second Vermont Republic project to secede all of Northern New England from the US. Attacking a noted FSP leader would be part and parcel of such a campaign by an ally of Sale.
Another curious contraindication: In the 1990's she worked for George Soros' Open Society Institute, yet she is a raving opponent of openness: anti-Open-Source, anti-Open-Information, totally against the transparency society the OSI promotes. Did she leave OSI out of philosophical conflict? Did she discover Soros is a Leninist Conspirator? Did Soros fail to give her the personal stimulus package she earnestly desired?
We now know a LOT more about Prokofy Neva, but are left with even more questions. We encourage our readers to /r/ this topic more deeply.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Prok tried to claim that Woodbury's group is joined only by invitations issued by Tizzy Teardrop, when in fact any group member can invite new members, thus the group is essentially an open join group much like her Ravenglass Rentals group. Do WE accuse her of running a conspiracy with her ranting and raving and libelous lies? Perhaps we should investigate this further.
We really do not know whether Prok simply makes alts up like "Soviet Admiral", teleports to the Woodbury sims, and asks for an invite so the can go grief her own land on the alt, and kill the chickens she so conveniently left out in the open, unprotected, on publicly accessible land. It seems far to convenient for us, really. None of us know who "Soviet Admiral" was, so it is far more plausible that the avatar is an alt of Prokofy herself. Really now, who benefits from wearing such a tag while 'griefing'? Prok does. She evidently did not care about the chickens, she apparently takes absolutely no steps as are commonly done by real chicken farmers, to protect her chickens from the public.
This is the epitome of what is commonly known as a 'false flag operation'. The only person who benefits is Prokofy, and she conveniently gets to smear Woodbury in her blog once again.
the journalism game
id like to talk to you about proper journalism discipline.
1. research your target with complete accuracy. take notes. and don't forget the main concept at hand.
2. when writing, remember to leave your biased ideas, questions and opinions at home. neutrality is the game . the only thing that is important is the absolute truth. any biased views of things causes inaccuracy's with your writing, not to mention makes readers believe that what you said was truth when all it was, was personal judgment.
3. back whatever information you have with evidence to support your claims.
4. keep the trash talk outside. being supportive to the readers wins more votes. even if there views are expressed in a negative fashion. sometimes if you read them, you may yourself, become a better writer.
now when we discuss Ms. Neva's own writing, it is none of these. in fact there is a ACTUAL writing style for her form of journalism. it is called. Gonzo journalism
Gonzo journalism is a style of journalism which is written subjectively, often including the reporter as part of the story via a First Person narrative. The style tends to blend factual and fictional elements to emphasize an underlying message and engage the reader. The word Gonzo was first used in 1970 to describe an article by Hunter S, Thompson, who later popularized the style. The term has since been applied to other subjective artistic endeavors.
Gonzo journalism tends to favor style over accuracy and often uses personal experiences and emotions to provide context for the topic or event being covered. It disregards the 'polished' edited product favored by newspaper media and strives for the gritty factor. Use of quotations, sarcasm, humor, exaggeration, and even profanity is common.
people today are gullible and will believe anything that is said in there ears. with this in mind. most people cannot tell the fiction from the non-fiction of Gonzo journalism. causing readers to believe the lies written within. using ones own biased beliefs to become factual.
With reckless abandon, or, more broadly, extreme cases such as Ms Neva's writing, a lack of research is done on the topic at hand. so that readers have to assume that all that she says is truth when anyone with a cursory knowledge of the subject realizes Ms. Neva made the whole thing up. when someone confronts her on it. she will respond in 1 of 2 ways. be true to gonzo journalism and use sarcasm, exaggeration and profanity towards the person to make there word inferior. or just simply remove them from the equation either by ban's, deletion of there comments, muteing them or when all else fails, ignoring them completely. of coarse the latter is a natural course of action of someone who learned there literary art in communist Russia when censorship was common practice at the time she got her degree.
does this mean she is a bad writer? no. it just means that reading her articles are only good for a laugh and shouldn't be taken seriously.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Chicken Little
Prok didn't attend SLCC in San Fran this year, possibly because IntLibber trolled her into believing Moot was going to attend and speak on a panel about being voted Time Magazines "Worlds Most Influential Person". However, that didn't prevent her from libelling Woodbury University with a false claim that they griefed Linden Lab's Battery Street offices today.
Here are the facts: Woodbury's Dean of the School of Media Culture and Design, working with SL FIC insider Loki Clifton, got permission from LL Chairman Philip Linden to park a party bus outside the LL offices during SLCC and ferry attendees to come do chalk art on the sidewalks and building.
Loki hired a 45 party bus complete with stripper pole, bar, live music, and light show, while WU paid for the bus, the extensive bar budget, tons of schwag given away in raffles on the bus to attendees, as well as luxury suites in the hotel for parties. The party bus was the big entertainment/social event of SLCC, with more people riding the bus than were registered for SLCC.
Folks who put their artwork in chalk on Battery Street include luminaries like artist Filthy Fluno, musician Cylindrian Rutabega, CallieDel Boa, Cid Ducatillion, Luc Aubret, Shaun Altman, IntLibber Brautigan, etc etc. Yes there were some personalities like Plastic Duck, Meif Ling, Huns Valen from W-Hat in attendance, as well as well known Woodbury folks like Tizzers Foxchase, Merato Zilz, Sangria, Cam Mitchell, etc. but really everybody was getting along fine and having fun, the way things should be. All in all, some 500+ people participated over the course of an evening in the performance art event.
Yet Prok, along with Daniel Voyager, tried to falsely portray this fun event as "griefing" and "criminal vandalism", without once contacting the organizers, or the alleged "victims", to get the facts. This is prima facie proof that Prokofy is not a legitimate journalist, does not follow standards of journalism, and is thus a griefing troll who uses her blog to attack competitors in SL and fabricates 'griefing' to blame on others for her personal status boost.
None of the three have retracted their statements, and they even falsely claimed credit for the photo seen above, which was actually taken by one of our people. Plagiarism IS journalistic and academic fraud, as well as theft of intellectual property.