Friday, February 20, 2009

Prokofy's house of cards are folding in front of our eyes. In her latest blog entry her own logic dictates that because she opposes banlink, she is a greifer. Only makes since now that she was present at 2 PN greifer raids.

In it she posts a TL;DR chatlog with various other land barons including IntLibber Brautigan who defends the BanLink system. She distorts and lies about BanLink to serve her purpose of forever getting rid of banlink so her alts can continue crashing sims on her behalf.

Travis Lambert, the founder of BanLink, defends BanLink in an eloquent rebuttal to Prokofy's holocaust denial style defamation. Prokofy, like the paranoid conspiracy theorist style mindset don't respond with logic, but with a false parellel and bitter envy.

Travis, you continue to mislead the public mightily with this invention.
When you are ready to publicize the banlists your subscribers make AND publish all their comments, that is, to make them all viewable to the general public without subscriptions, then we can believe you that the system is trustworthy.
Until then, it is a totalitarian police machine.
Posted by: Prokofy Neva | February 18, 2009 at 11:25 PM

What is truly disturbing is how she makes the claim that exposes her own fraud by attempting to defame the now reformed W-Hat group:

Aminom Marvin is in W-hat. So of course he has ever motivation in the book to oppose Ban-Link. Aminom claims he is unrelated to past W-hat griefing alts with similar names or any W-hat griefing at all, but since one of the hallmarks of the W-hat shtick is to pretend you aren't griefing when you, who knows? He's not to be trusted, even if he writes what's correct in and of itself about this infernal system.
Posted by: Prokofy Neva | February 19, 2009 at 08:49 PM

Clearly we can see her true colors. you are the greifer you claim to hate. You oppose banlink yourself while you clearly use PN style alt abuse and greifing tactics to blame W-Hat and Woodbury for your own deeds. Your own hallmark is pretending not to greif yourself. You are a liar and hypocrite and act like the Stalinist regime to say you despise.

You make me sick.

1 comment:

  1. You really need to look at how prok has managed to bring down email out of second life. By spamming herself with thousands of messages she has gotten the linden mail servers blacklisted, affecting thousands of residents.
