Friday, February 13, 2009

A Strange Coincidence...

Ever wondered why when Prokofy shows her ugly avatar in a social event in Second Life, greifing ensues after one of her insane paranoid rantings? Twice today I have encountered Prokofy, and twice I was griefed. That was only today!

I have received similar reports from users all over SL including some older accounts. This obvious correlation implies causation and needs to be explored more. I invite anyone who feels similarly to comment below. Also if you with to contribute evidence please contact me.

Prokofy, griefing in SL is a TOS violation. Using it to gain sympathy or to attract attention to yourself are not loop holes in the TOS.


  1. How on earth did you manage to get the text not to wrap? I had to view the page source to read the entire entry.

  2. When I implied that maybe she gave more credit to the PN than usual on her blogg, at about roughly the same time were obsene objects being rezzed by an avatar which had a rez date since the 29th of January this year-Meeko Haiku.. but since we know Prokofy uses Alts I feel as though it is possible since the main "victim" of the event of a thousand and one prims was Ewan Mureaux. He had just purchased new lands beside my own. When I sugested to SpaceBat2000 to say I felt it was probably Prokofy, he asked "what makes you think that".. and I said that it was because of what Prok had written in her blog.. just recently.

    Plus the reactions of those around her, those who KNOW. Its only speculation but the style of the "attack" is purely as if spoken by Prok herself.. very meaningless and trashy. Its her style in both language and in excessiveness.

  3. Prok makes the mistake of thinking some of us really give a fuck about her and her griefing escapades, so she can grief on, anything to keep an old woman active, keeping busy, the cataracts and dementia will soon take her from our world anyway.

  4. imnotgoing sidewayas was raeped in prok's blog several times last week, which resulted in carl metropolitan resigning from NCI. In immy's 8/31/09 blog entry ( she describes a griefing attack on an event she coordinated. This is not a typical experience for her.

    Coincidence? Maybe not...
