Thursday, September 10, 2009


"If we don't believe in freedom of expression for
people we despise, we don't believe in it at all."
-- Noam Chomsky

Noam Chomsky is one of these leftie human rights proponents that, had she not become a Mugged Democrat, Prok would still be noshing with in the NYC internationalist scene. She appears to be the editor, or was the editor, of a show broadcast by US propaganda radio stations. With pretensions to being some sort of journalist, you would think she would put Freedom of Speech as her highest ethic.

While she cries for the Afghan fixer/translator killed in the crossfire of a battle between British commandos and the Taliban who held the Afghan and his journalist client hostage, she ignores the censorship of the freedom of speech organized on a global scale by Rohde's employer, the New York Times, which made deals with Al Jazeera (apologists and promoters of terrorists), and even bribed Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales to censor the wikipage on Rohde, leading to a huge controversy among wiki editors. The claim is that somehow keeping his kidnapping hush hush saved Rohde's life, without providing any proof.

One wonders how much ransom NYT was preparing to pay, or what the financially troubled NYT paid Al Jazeera for its silence. Allegedly the Taliban were demanding $25 million and the release of 10 Gitmo prisoners for his release.

Rohde made his name attacking US policies on POWs, its treatment of prisoners in Abu Graib, Gitmo, and elswhere. He was clearly helping the Taliban cause, so why did they turn against him? His writing alone freed more Taliban from US jails than his kidnappers hoped to regain. The lead kidnapper, Siraj Haqqani, son of a high Taliban official, even killed a messenger sent under agreement to check on Rohde's status in good faith.

The fact is that, in the end, a life was lost, the Afghan interpreter/fixer died while Rohde lived. The fixer likely should have not gone out first and said "Journalist! Journalist!" in a likely poorly understood Afghan accent, any more than a Palestinian fixer should go out when a westerner is rescued from Hamas or Hezbollah by Israeli troops.

So the truth was suppressed, speech was censored, and a man still died as a result. A lose-lose all around.

What is more, ABC News has lied about the story, claiming that Rohde escaped by himself and that his driver was too scared to attempt escape and his fate was unknown. Now this claim that his driver died at the hands of British commandos comes out. Which story are we to believe?

Sounds like changing propaganda story lines as the credibility of one falls through, a new lie is created.

This is akin to Proks tactics on her own blog, posting lies about people and groups, and changing her story as people call her BS, but otherwise censoring comments critical of her specious connection to truth.

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