Tuesday, September 15, 2009

A Liar Lying about Lying Lies

Apparently we are getting under Proks skin. In todays blog she has pulled a Nixon, stating, "I am not a liar."

Generally, when someone writes such a TL;DR post to try to turn around and once again lying about IntLibber, claiming he is the one lying, or a paranoid lunatic, etc... when in fact she means me, it is in fact she is the one who is lying, repeatedly and often, to the public, to the Woodbury administration, to Linden Lab.

I am not IntLibber, I am ProkChokedMyChickenItWas Delicioso, a completely distinct and different person. She is continuing to try to claim that my writing is Int's. This is utterly false of course.

She goes on to talk about code words being allegedly used in search as euphemisms for certain fetishes and justifies her opinion by claiming to be "transgendered in SL without being x-rated". She forgets that her regular language (fucktard, asswipe, dickweed, shithead, etc) full of expletives makes her avatar x-rated without any nudity. Then lets look at the transgendered avie: she allegedly is not transgendered in RL, but her avie is transgendered? Theres a misrepresentation, a lie right there, as if having a male avatar makes her transgendered. Puhleeze, she insults all the people who really are transgendered with such a flippant claim to authority without real experience.

Prok has been emailing the Woodbury administration on a daily basis attempting to mess up Int's academic future, without any evidence that he has ever done anything against her, yet turns around and rants about how wrong it is to attack people in RL. She posted photos from SLCC's party bus event on Second Citizen and asked members of the forum there to identify people's RL buttcracks with their avatar name. Her hypocrisy and clear lack of relationship with the truth are evident to any sane person.

One poster to her piece says, "You aren't lying, you are crazy." This makes an important point. The insane cannot be found guilty of libel because the insane honestly believe the delusions they see as their reality. Our posts here have always left that possibility open: she's either a liar or a nut. The fact she lives across the street from Bellevue's mental hospital in NYC, possibly being housed there by them for easy access to care, lends credence to that possibility. Her denial of having mental health issues are what one expects to hear from the insane. It's always everybody else in the world that is nuts, right?

A definition of insanity is to have a perception of reality that departs markedly from the mean of the general population. Cursory reading of her blog demonstrates this is a reasonable description of Prok's perception of reality. Another definition of insanity is to keep banging your head against the wall, expecting a different result. Proks response to people she doesn't like, and even those who try to help her, has always been the same: rude offensiveness and insults, parcel bans, forfeiture of rent, defamation, libel, etc. yet she continues to rant on and on as if continuing to bash her head against the wall in this way will some day have a different result.

By all intents and purposes Prokofy is clinically insane, so it might be accurate to say she's not lying but only by reason of insanity, much like John Hinckley wasn't guilty of attempted assasination of Ronald Reagan.

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